
Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm going outside

Sometimes I feel like the computer is my escape.  I spend alot of time on Facebook, Twitter, reading emails or blogs or just surfing in general.  I had a blast playing outside with the kids today and really didn't get on the computer until almost bedtime.  As I was doing my usual surfing I came across a post on the Spunky Homeschoolers website.  It rang oh so true for me, and as soon as I finished reading the post I have vowed to spend less time on the computer and more time playing outside ;)  She wrote a song about her experience: (you can view the entire post by clicking here)

Mom's on the Computer (to the tune of Cat's in the Cradle.)

My computer arrived just the other day,

It came on the porch in the usual way

So many blogs to read and games to play

My child learned to walk, while I twittered away

And he was talkin’ for I knew it, as my friends list grew

He’d say I’m gonna be like you mom

You know I’m gonna be like you

And mom’s lost on the computer, lettin' dinner burn

Little boy wanders, he just wants to learn

When you getting off mom?

I don’t know when, but we’ll get together then

we're gonna have a good time then

My son turned ten just the other day

He said "thanks for the wii, mom, come on let’s play"

"Can you teach me how it works?" I said “Not today”

"I got a blog to write" he said “that’s okay”

And he walked away while the computer never dimmed

He said, “I’m gonna be like them, yeah”

You know I’m gonna be like them

And mom’s lost on the computer lettin' dinner burn

Little boy wanders, he just wants to learn

When you getting off mom?

I don’t know when, but we’ll get together then

We're gonna have a good time then

Well my son came home just the other day

iPod in his ears, while he texted away

"Son, I'm proud of you, can you sit for a while?"

He shook his head and he said with a smile

"I'd really like to Mom, but talkins' not my thing"

"Check my status, for what's happening"

And mom’s lost on the computer lettin' dinner burn

Little boy wanders, he just wants to learn

When you getting off mom?

I don’t know when, but we’ll get together then

You know we’ll have a good time then

Well my blog's retired and my Facebook out-of-date

My son texted, “Hey mom, I just can't relate"

I said, "I'd like to see you if you have some time."

He said, "I'd love to mom but skype if you don't mind."

"You see my website's down and my workload just grew."

"but it's nice texting with you, mom"

It's been sure nice texting with you."

And as I typed “c u later” it occurred to me

He'd grown up just like me

My boy was just like me

Really makes you think doesn't it?  Enjoy going outside and playing with your kiddos ;)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday's Funny

I have lived in Oklahoma almost my entire life.  These are really true :)  Enjoy a laugh at us Okies expense ;)




>> Racoons sleep in the middle of the road with their feet in the air.


>> There are 5,000 types of snakes on earth and 4,998 live in OKLAHOMA


>> There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 live in OKLA. , plus a couple no one's seen before.


>> If it grows, it sticks; if it crawls, it bites.


>> 'Twicet' is a word.


>> People actually grow and eat okra


>> 'Fixin-to' is one word.


>> There is no such thing as 'lunch.' There is only dinner and then supper.


>> Iced tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it when you're two. We do like a little tea with our sugar!


>> 'Backwards and forwards' means I know everything about you!


>> "Jeet" is actually a phrase meaning 'Did you eat?'


>> You don't have to wear a watch because it doesn't matter what time it is. You work until you're done or it's too dark to see.


>> You don't PUSH buttons, you MASH them.


>> You measure distance in hours. Like 'its 2 hours from TULSA TO OKC'


>> You'll probably have to switch from 'heat' to 'A/C' in the same day.


>> 'Fix' is a verb. Example: 'I'm fixin' to go to the store.'


>> You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked.


>> Yes, Friday night high school football games is serious football!


>> You carry jumper cables in your car ........ for your OWN car.


>> There are only four spices: salt, pepper, Tabasco and ketchup.


>> The local papers cover national and international news on one page, but require 6 pages for local gossip and sports.


>> 100 degrees Fahrenheit is 'a little warm.'


>> We have four seasons: Almost Summer, Summer, still Summer and Christmas.


>> Going to Wal-mart is a favorite past time known as 'goin' to Wally-World.'


>> A cool snap (below 70 degrees) is good pinto-bean or chili weather.


>> A carbonated soft drink isn't a soda, cola or pop. . .. . it's a Coke, regardless of brand or flavor. Example: 'What kind a coke you want?'


>> Fried catfish is the other white meat.


>> We don't need no stinking driver's ed....... if our mama says we can drive, we can drive.


>> If you understand these jokes please forward them to your friends from OKLA(and those who just wish they were).


>> EVERYONE can't be from OKLA . You might say it's a gift from God!


>> And the two most important thing we learn growing up in OKLA is...respect your elders and


>> IN GOD WE TRUST all others pay cash

>> ************************************************************************

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bedtime Schmedtime

I am at my wit's end.

Brookelyn is 18 months old. When she was 6 months old we started putting her in her bed awake and letting her "cry it out." Usually she would cry for no more than 10 minutes and be sound asleep. Her bedtime has always been at 8 o'clock. We have been doing this same routine for an entire year and she was doing good........until......

About 2 months ago she started climbing out of her bed. Since then bedtime has been a nightmare. I start her bedtime routine between 7:30 and 7:45 so that she is ready for bed by 8. I give her kisses and put her in her bed and she starts screaming. I tell her calm down, lay down, I love you, and shut the door. There is a small hole in the bottom of the door where a vent used to be and it just hasn't got around to getting fixed yet. Within a few minutes she is back in the living room smiling and laughing. She has learned how to crawl through the hole. I pick her up and without saying anything put her right back in bed, and then we go through this approximately a hundred or more times before she is finally asleep. If she doesn't crawl through the hole she plays in the bedroom and gets into things. I have even caught her jumping on the bed watching tv. Yep, she knows how to turn on the tv too.

I have tried everything I know. I have spanked. I have laid in there with her until she falls asleep (her in her bed, me in mine), I have laid in bed with her with both of us in my bed. I have rocked. I have read stories. I have given warm milk. I have no idea what to do next. Her daddy can usually spank her once and lay her down and she goes right down. However he usually goes to bed the same time she does because he gets up so early for work. But what about naptime?

The other day it took me 2 hours....2 get her to sleep. By the time she was asleep I was so worn out that I needed a nap more than she did I think.

That's my vent for the night but what I'm really needing is advice.....what do you do??????
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